Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Kaos War

"Kaos War is played from a 3rd and 1st person perspective with fps and action style controls. Unlike most MMO games Kaos War delivers real time action, allowing the player to direct his weapons or powers in combat.

"The game offers a blend of melee weapons, ranged weapons and mystic powers and aims to balance out this blend by for example allowing melee weapons to be used to deflect certain attacks. (Although far from indefinitely) A leveled player character within Kaos War is based on a balance between opposing abilities, such as: Strength vs. Dexterity and Constitution vs. Agility. These abilities can be improved by simply using them, Strength for example being increased by wielding a sword and Dexterity by using a handgun.

"By using this approach to character progression Kaos War does away with classes and instead allows you to define your own class by leveling your character, achieving a certain balance of abilities and skills. An advanced morphing system causes the physique of your character to reflect his or her abilities.

"The world of Kaos is above all things a living world, this includes frequent live events based on the state of the world, an ever changing economy based on the laws of supply and demand, a wide range of interiors and player housing, advanced guild functionalities, accommodations and other perks and meaningful Race vs. Race gameplay."


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