Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Sword of the Stars - BORN OF BLOOD

Sword of the Stars: Born of Blood is an expansion pack to last year�s stylish turn-based space strategy game, Sword of the Stars. Like most expansions, it adds a fair amount of new content to its predecessor. There�s a new, playable alien race (boosting the total to five); a slew of cool new gameplay features; and loads of improvements. However, it�s also like a graduate-level course in the original game because Born of Blood feels like it was made for diehard Sword of the Stars fans ready for a new level of difficulty.
The key new addition in Born of Blood is the Zuul, an alien race that features some excellent voice work that stands out from the rest of the races. Their voices are deep, gravelly, and delectably evil, which matches their nature. In keeping with the trend in Sword of the Stars, the Zuul play quite differently from any other race. Their fleets use tunnel drives to carve unstable paths to different worlds. The Zuul are also masters at reverse engineering alien technologies and mating them to their ships. On the flip side, they must keep conquering as they slowly drain their planets of resources and leave behind empty husks. However, their ships are a lot more durable than other races, making them a difficult foe in battle. The Zuul are a fun race to play, and their addition adds some welcome variety to the game, as the pickings seemed a bit slim with just four races.


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